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Saturday, July 18, 2009


Voila ....

Do we really know the sentence-the sentence above?
It seems very simple, we discuss the logic with which foreign
us, but the tacky culture with us. Somehow cultural incantation, and life
still survive in various cultural nations in the world. At least,
Harry Potter phenomenon indicates the strong interest, attention and
life confidence akan matters not logical in human life, even in
super digital century as now.

Indeed, we are the circumstances to be able to understand more about
mechanisms that spell.

If we can recognize and accept the presence PASSWORD, why do not we
berposisi the same against PASSVOICE?
If the password requirement to be capable of running a series of complex process of program
computing, why not with a requirement that pasvoice running
a series of complex process engine, for example. Aha, passvoice actual technology
is being developed and has applied to the system berteknologi
high. I never get the email about a very luxurious hotel in Dubai,
the system operation is controlled by the voice of the tenants. Such as open
door, prepare coffee, adjust the room temperature, turn on television,
prepare the drink, and others. I heard, Bill Gates's house
have the feel of a full passvoice. So, frankly, is passvoice
a particular spoken word to run a series of commands.
So, not passvoice and incantation, a culture is the same, the
present in a different type of technology?

Effectiveness of the password, and passvoice incantation, which is determined by the authority
owned, not by kemampu-akan mengertian mechanism.

I have a password to open my blog, but I do not have
a bit of knowledge, how the protection mechanism is running. You can
just have your car key remote, without the slightest technology
remote sensing it. Perhaps, the pesulap, sorcerer, shaman, hotel owners,
hotel tenants in Dubai that is, not knowing how or passvoice
incantation that bermekanisme. They benefit from passvoice or
spell it, as have the authority!
If we do not understand, does not know will be a series of processes
walk to things, then tend to say things as a
magic, magic, is not reasonable or amazing. I found this on anekdot
a story of villagers who go to the room air-conditioned. With half
surprised, he jump and take the horse and says: Quiet AJI
ANGIN .... We understand that the room cooling tekonolgi only smile
keluguan see it.

There incantation, passvoice in the glorious Islamic Teachings following:

Speak Bismillaah, each akan start any work.
Speak Alhamdulillaah, each completed work or sneezing.
Speak Subhaanallaah, each see something stunning.
Speak Maasya Allaah, each enjoying something enticing.
Speak Insyaa Allaah, or any promise merencakan things.
Speak Fi amaanillaah, each separated with fellow Muslims.
Speak Astagfirullaah, each of which has performed poorly or sesautu sin.
Speak A'udzubillah, or after each akan experiencing something
frightening heart
Jazaakallaah say, every good deed we receive from fellow
Assalamu'alaikum say, we meet with each fellow Muslims
Innalillaah speak, we each experience

I do not have enough information about why and what benefits
promised that his top-passvioce expression passvoice above. However, many
hadith atsar and evidence upon which the effectiveness passvoice above in
stories of the classic pattern and glory.

Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
A'udzubillah can drive out demons (jinn or men) from your life. The
all the rights of Allah SWT., similar mechanisms such as password to open my blog
I, the full rights wordpress.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Bismillah can cause the work we will do, full keberkahan
for our lives. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Alhamdulillaah can result in a feeling of gratitude so that the doors
provision to be open, which meet all the intent of our lives. The
all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Subhaanallah can open a perspective, broadening the view, the policy stream,
a source of inspiration, innovation in the birth of our lives. That's all
the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Masssya Allaah be mengharmoniskan overall balance to our senses
to the best level of comfort. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice Fi
amaanillah can build a comprehensive protection system (not only loss
such as financial insurance) for the safety of our friends. God is all right
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Astagfirullah can invite Allah forgiveness, as a form of
for the highest glory of man. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Jazaakallaah tool can be a good exchange of value added
greater than the calculation we can do. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Assalamu'alaikum adhesive can be a strong relationship between
fellow Muslims. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Innalillah can invite the intervention of Allah in the approach
every settlement-settlement natural or trust that befall us. The
all the rights of Allah SWT.

Only required an authority to ensure that all passvoice effective.
Find that authority in a sincere obedience and clean.
Because the authority is close to the suitability, the suitability upayakanlah
have authority-authority that, in the entire journey of our lives.
How to get your appropriate authority that, if you do not meyakininya,
sesungguh-sungguhnya with confidence. So believe seriously
The promise of all-his promise. There is no reasonable doubt, something that
Most come from the Meeting Promise.

Just because you do not understand, does not mean you have no right
authority over it.
Just because you do not understand, does not mean you are entitled to reject it.

Reach decorum.
Speak-spell or incantation passvoice-passvoice that is very noble.


Friends group members are good,

Thank you in the top of your willingness to read and accept the point of view
simple above.

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