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Sunday, July 19, 2009

SECRET polytheism

The Arabs before Islam came to believe that every
and every creature surely have cause symptoms
withdrawn, and that God is One is not able
created everything. At that time, science
indeed not to find the relationship between creature and
natural phenomena and the various events. As
result, the people imagine that all
organism and the various natural phenomena stand
its own and no relation to one another.
Therefore, they assume that for every
phenomena such as rain and snow, earthquakes and
death, famine and tribulation, the peace and
ketentraman, cruelty and bloodshed, and
etc., have each of his Lord. They do not
realize that the entire universe is a
unity, in which part of it and related
Each of them have any effect reciprocal request.

The primitive human mind is not yet know
secret to worship Allah, the One and not
realize that the God of the universe
God is omniscient and the Almighty, the Creator of the
free from all defects and weaknesses. Power,
perfection, knowledge, and there is no discretion
boundary. He was above all things that dianggapkan
Him. There is no perfection that he does not have.
There is no possibility that can not be created him. He
God is the One who is able to create all
beings and phenomena without the help and support to
pun. He can create another creature in a way that
He created the same as beings who
have now.

Therefore, the nalar, the interposition of a
authority may reduce the autonomy of the will
God who does not share, can not be accepted.
Belief that the universe has two creators,
which one is the source of goodness and light are
that one is a source of crime and
darkness, is also not acceptable. Belief that
no intervention by someone, such as Mary and
'Jesus, in the case of the creation of the universe, or that
framework of the physical world has been on dikuasakan
a man, and is a manifestation syirik
kelebih one. The nation, with respect
to the rights of the prophets and holy people,
maintain confidence in the Creator of Hosts, and
His menyekutukan not with others.

Method used the prophets to give lessons
and claims to human logic and the method is
reasoning, because they deal with the mind
humans. They were eager to establish a government
is based on faith, knowledge, and justice,
and such a government can not be established
through violence, war, and bloodshed.
Therefore, we must distinguish the
the prophets with the government Fir'aun and Namrud.
The objective of this second group is safe
power and their government in any way
that may, even after the collapse of akan
they die. Conversely, those sacred meaning
establish a government to bring in maslahat
individual and society, whether the ruler or a strong
weak at a certain time, while he was alive
and after he died. Such a goal is of course
can not be achieved by force and pressure.

Abraham's first fight against the belief
relatives who worship idols, in which Azar
is pentolannya. Before achieving success
fully in this field, he must fight on
other field operations. Extent that the group thought
This second bit higher and more clearly from the
first. Contrary to the religion of the family of Abraham,
they have been cast worldly beings who
contemptible and not worthy, and worshipful stars in the sky.
When the stars against the cult, he says
with the simple words of a number of philosophical truth
scientific and not understood by people in the era of
that, even now cause any argument
admiration of the graduates of the very logic of art
and debate. Above all this, Al-Qur'an have also been
cite arguments of Abraham, and we get
mengutipnya to honor with a brief description.

To be able to lead people, a night of Abraham
to stare at the sky at sundown and
hold it down to awake again in the days
next. During this 24-hour debate, and he
discussions with three groups, and blame
trust them with the argument-argument is strong.

Night near darkness and hide all
signs of life. Venus bright stars that appear
from a corner of the firmament. To conquer the
Venus worshiper, Ibrahim adapt with them
and following the line while their mind says,
"That is pemeliharaku." However, when the stars
sink and disappear in a corner, he said,
"I can not accept that God drowned." With
penalarannya a natural, he rejected the belief in the
Venus and the devotee kebatilannya.

At the next stage, the roundabout is to the eyes
hours of light with the luminous beauty of
spectacular. With the purpose conquer devotee months,
the material as if it took months of Lords,
but then he merontokkan with the belief that
logikanya strong. Thus, when the Almighty
immerse the month behind the horizon, and light
and the beauty disappeared from the face of the earth, so without
offend the devotee that month, he
said, "If the Lord does not indeed
guide me, you bet I lost, because God is
disappear as stars and are subject to an order
and that the system established by a
others. "

Darkness ended the night and the sun was appearing,
open the horizon, and to spread the rays keemasannya
face of the earth. The sun worshiper turn face
them to the Lord. To obey the rules
debate, he also recognizes the brazen
divine sun. However, sundown
reinforces that he is subject to a system of natural
of the public, and he openly
reject it as a worthy worship. (see QS,
al-An'am, 6:75-79)

There is no doubt that when living in a cave, through the
divine gift of extremes, get him
from the unseen source of knowledge about the inner nation,
which is the specificity of the prophets. However, after
observe and assess the things of heaven, he also
provide arguments in the form of that knowledge.
Thus, in addition to showing the way
true to the people and give them
means of guidance, he has left
invaluable knowledge for use by
Those who mencan of truth and reality.

WHY TO ANY cult Being

The factors that cause people worship
to the creation and the demand is ketidaktahuannya
is absolutely natural that in itself is in general
believe there is a cause for every phenomenon.
On the one hand, the men, who by nature be natural,
felt need to find refuge in a place, in the
pewenang a strong system that is capable of creating a
This unique. However, on the other hand, when he intends
way through this without the guidance of the prophets-the
Divine and has been appointed to ensure the completeness
human-spiritual journey he seek refuge in
beings-not a soul, animals, or fellow
man before he can achieve that objective
indeed, that is, God is One, and get
track-trace him with the signs of creation
and seek refuge in him. Therefore, he
imagine that this is the object sought-carinya.
Seeing this, the scientists acknowledge, after the
the Book of God and how propaganda was
to men by the prophets and their arguments,
that the goal of the prophets is not to convince
man of the creator of the universe.
Indeed, their role is a fundamental
free man and clutch syirik (polytheism)
and idolatry. In other words, they
come to say to people, "O people!
God that we all believe in the existence of his akan
is this, is not it. He was single, not berbilang. Do not
provide status to the creatures of God. Accept God
as is Esa. Do not receive a partner or associate is
even for Him. "

The sentence "there is no god but Allah," to prove what
that we say above. This is the first point dakwah
Prophet Muhammad. The purpose is this sentence, there is no
should be something other than God, and this
means that the Creator has the facts
recognized, so that people can be invited to
kemaha-esaan receive Him. This sentence indicates
that in the era of the human eye, the part of the first -
Lord of the universe-not a thing
dipertengkarkan need. Besides, the study of the
Qur'ani stories and conversation with the prophets
people zamannya clarify the issue.

[Note foot: But, how they construct
about idols? Are they worth memandangnya
worshiped and to be the only mediator, or
they think that they also have
power such as God? This issue is outside
discussion we are now, even though the view that the first
strong and evident.]

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Magic for Children or Beginners

Are you constantly amazed by disappearing acts, card tricks and other magic wonders you see on different occasions? Children's shows, magical exhibitions, trade shows, parties, and carnivals are some of the events where magicians are popular.

Because of the effect of magic on people, many would like to somehow try the basics of magic. There are a lot of online sites that offer tips on how to get started with magic. Others just content themselves with ready-made gimmicks they found at magic shops. But for those who are really serious about trying magic, these magic-filled sites offer different services for newbie magicians. In their sites, they offer free videos that will help you become trained in simple card tricks and other vanishing acts with the use of coins, rings and other magic props.

Before starting to learn magic, you have to know the essence of magic. First, magic or magic shows should provide happiness to people. Magic ought to be truly enjoyed by people watching and by the magician performing. Second, a truly good trick should be remembered. Different methods can be tried in order to make your tricks stand out even more.

The best place to get excited about your first magic trick is in a local magic shop. Talk to the magician of the shop, if there is one, and try asking him basic questions. Then, request him to show a couple of tricks to you. Usually, magicians are very eager to help beginners.

A good magician does not mind putting in a lot of effort to learn and continuously practice his magic tricks and constantly reinvent. Good magicians don't repeat tricks to the same audience. Your audience may figure out your secret. It is not long before people notice familiar moves and can get bored quickly.

Here are some tips:

a. Regularly practice your magic. Allot time every day for your practice.

b. If you are trying to videotape your act, be sure that you have no mirrors around you as they change views and the audience would not see what they ought to see. And remember do not appear as though you are unsure of what you are doing because your audience might easily lose interest watching when the magician looks not confident.

c. Ask other people to watch intently while doing your tricks, then ask for feedback.

d. Master one trick first before learning a new one.

e. Anywhere you go, make it a habit to bring magic props. Take some coins


Voila ....

Do we really know the sentence-the sentence above?
It seems very simple, we discuss the logic with which foreign
us, but the tacky culture with us. Somehow cultural incantation, and life
still survive in various cultural nations in the world. At least,
Harry Potter phenomenon indicates the strong interest, attention and
life confidence akan matters not logical in human life, even in
super digital century as now.

Indeed, we are the circumstances to be able to understand more about
mechanisms that spell.

If we can recognize and accept the presence PASSWORD, why do not we
berposisi the same against PASSVOICE?
If the password requirement to be capable of running a series of complex process of program
computing, why not with a requirement that pasvoice running
a series of complex process engine, for example. Aha, passvoice actual technology
is being developed and has applied to the system berteknologi
high. I never get the email about a very luxurious hotel in Dubai,
the system operation is controlled by the voice of the tenants. Such as open
door, prepare coffee, adjust the room temperature, turn on television,
prepare the drink, and others. I heard, Bill Gates's house
have the feel of a full passvoice. So, frankly, is passvoice
a particular spoken word to run a series of commands.
So, not passvoice and incantation, a culture is the same, the
present in a different type of technology?

Effectiveness of the password, and passvoice incantation, which is determined by the authority
owned, not by kemampu-akan mengertian mechanism.

I have a password to open my blog, but I do not have
a bit of knowledge, how the protection mechanism is running. You can
just have your car key remote, without the slightest technology
remote sensing it. Perhaps, the pesulap, sorcerer, shaman, hotel owners,
hotel tenants in Dubai that is, not knowing how or passvoice
incantation that bermekanisme. They benefit from passvoice or
spell it, as have the authority!
If we do not understand, does not know will be a series of processes
walk to things, then tend to say things as a
magic, magic, is not reasonable or amazing. I found this on anekdot
a story of villagers who go to the room air-conditioned. With half
surprised, he jump and take the horse and says: Quiet AJI
ANGIN .... We understand that the room cooling tekonolgi only smile
keluguan see it.

There incantation, passvoice in the glorious Islamic Teachings following:

Speak Bismillaah, each akan start any work.
Speak Alhamdulillaah, each completed work or sneezing.
Speak Subhaanallaah, each see something stunning.
Speak Maasya Allaah, each enjoying something enticing.
Speak Insyaa Allaah, or any promise merencakan things.
Speak Fi amaanillaah, each separated with fellow Muslims.
Speak Astagfirullaah, each of which has performed poorly or sesautu sin.
Speak A'udzubillah, or after each akan experiencing something
frightening heart
Jazaakallaah say, every good deed we receive from fellow
Assalamu'alaikum say, we meet with each fellow Muslims
Innalillaah speak, we each experience

I do not have enough information about why and what benefits
promised that his top-passvioce expression passvoice above. However, many
hadith atsar and evidence upon which the effectiveness passvoice above in
stories of the classic pattern and glory.

Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
A'udzubillah can drive out demons (jinn or men) from your life. The
all the rights of Allah SWT., similar mechanisms such as password to open my blog
I, the full rights wordpress.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Bismillah can cause the work we will do, full keberkahan
for our lives. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Alhamdulillaah can result in a feeling of gratitude so that the doors
provision to be open, which meet all the intent of our lives. The
all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Subhaanallah can open a perspective, broadening the view, the policy stream,
a source of inspiration, innovation in the birth of our lives. That's all
the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Masssya Allaah be mengharmoniskan overall balance to our senses
to the best level of comfort. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice Fi
amaanillah can build a comprehensive protection system (not only loss
such as financial insurance) for the safety of our friends. God is all right
Me and you also may not understand how the mechanism passvoice
Astagfirullah can invite Allah forgiveness, as a form of
for the highest glory of man. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Jazaakallaah tool can be a good exchange of value added
greater than the calculation we can do. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Assalamu'alaikum adhesive can be a strong relationship between
fellow Muslims. That all the rights of Allah SWT.
Me and you also may not fully understand how the mechanism
passvoice Innalillah can invite the intervention of Allah in the approach
every settlement-settlement natural or trust that befall us. The
all the rights of Allah SWT.

Only required an authority to ensure that all passvoice effective.
Find that authority in a sincere obedience and clean.
Because the authority is close to the suitability, the suitability upayakanlah
have authority-authority that, in the entire journey of our lives.
How to get your appropriate authority that, if you do not meyakininya,
sesungguh-sungguhnya with confidence. So believe seriously
The promise of all-his promise. There is no reasonable doubt, something that
Most come from the Meeting Promise.

Just because you do not understand, does not mean you have no right
authority over it.
Just because you do not understand, does not mean you are entitled to reject it.

Reach decorum.
Speak-spell or incantation passvoice-passvoice that is very noble.


Friends group members are good,

Thank you in the top of your willingness to read and accept the point of view
simple above.

devils dressed in angels

Khabar perklenikan the most up to date in Indonesia these days, as described above, ie, the mass media berperannya a massive distribution pemasyarakatan perklenikan through various impressions and coverage. Also affected the community and be widely known. Seriously troubled.

However, the latest news have a more troubled, namely the role of print media shaped a small format magazine mengusung name and label of Islam, but the stories show the mystical element of syirik as a main dish.

Examine the various models is that the magazine has now published three big names, exquisite nuance syirik in each sajiannya, or at least leads to idolatry, even though they wrapped up with dish dakwah Islamiyah, Aqidah and such, and even overt media to proclaim as a combat polytheism. Media such as this seriously digandrungi Muslims, although the overt media sejatinya exploit this ke'keblinger'an public who love perklenikan. Seems now to follow their straightened perklenikan that Islam permitted.

Agent Islamic magazine in various cities in Indonesia, in a visit in June 2003 Tabligh ago, almost all told the magazine how melejitnya request Hidayah. Magazine, an agency of the Central Java city of Sala, confess terperangah Hidayah magazine serving a request to reach the former 2000 and continues to grow. According to the agency is he communicating with agents in major cities in Java and Sumatra, they all have the same take-off request. Data obtained Tabligh, magazine circulation has reached 300. 000 eksp every time up. This amount is undoubtedly passing circulation magazines such as large well-Gatra, Tempo, and so forth. While age has not reached this magazine two years.

Read carefully Hidayah magazine this dish, such as edisinya to 23 June 2003, the rubric-rubric of displaying most of the actual problem-is just a matter of propaganda and a normal human interest, such as a rubric in the history of Islam alias to display the history of Islam Al-Zubair bin Awwam, Setia Defenders of the Prophet Muhammad. There are religious rubric consultation diasuh Hj. Luthfiah Sungkar,. there rubric Syiar, Aqidah, or profile example of someone who is very like displaying Hj. Sarini Abdullah, Qariah that was never desperate to reach the achievement. The profile of Islam in various countries such as France who told very good.

Consultation rubric Dzikir upbringing Muhammad Arifin Ilham made menu that leads people to be Islamic mysticism that tended to the supernatural is natural. Anta rubric Did not have a problem, even good, because the short form of Islam. For example: the article 'Prohibition Establish Mosque on the grave', which do not refer to any group of people act. There are reports of pesantren-pesantren, rubric also a tragic story of a thief with a fire that burned illustrasi lick-lap himself. Consequently it is only one story that was mystical Hidayah this magazine, as well as the cover image: tomb explode, off Exit Janazah Because Terlantarkan orphans. History is an element of exploitation that is very dense polytheism.

Dikisahkan this event occurred in 1950 in the west tangerang, a rich feast, during which behave this dzalim, griping, and mistreat orphans, called keponakannya (fictitious) Salim died. Because he is rich (as is often the tradition in the Betawi) family is able to pay people for each night bertahlil for seven days seven nights at the top of the grave and the deceased in the house. Alkisah on the seventh day, Salim janazah explode from within and terlontar to land surface, removing the smoke odor is also sanga decay. All the people fled helter-skelter. A number of people interviewed Hidayah this magazine, as a witness and that the supernatural events.

All this clearly empty and idle-only fold-avid interest ngaduk community akan heresy and mystical world.

After the magazine version Hidayah like this, appearing senada the two magazines also berinisial H, namely Hikayah and Himah. It seems all berbondong-exploit bongdong polytheism of the drop in demand and diserbu the heresy that the increase in the earth, Muslim Indonesia.

Truly ironic concern at a time. Despite many even most of the rubric rubric consists Islamiyah Islamic propaganda and so-so, but can not be denied, their main dish is shoptalk polytheism. Islam seems terpedaya people feel legitimate and valid only follow-dish H berinisial third magazine, because that version dikesankan like this is not a polytheistic beliefs and actions. This contention is clearly wrong big.

In the Holy Qur'an clearly be confirmed by God, shoptalk supernatural is only a region and the authority of God. He does not have any claim to authority explains shoptalk supernatural, unless things (supernatural), which is God's revealed text, and then became the Qur'an.
> swap

ERR on The Mass Media

among the different factors that are supporting growth-suburnya behavior and mystical heresy in the middle of the Indonesian people, obviously triggered by a number of mass media, both print media, especially television medium. This last medium (television), as are audio-visual, has a power cengkeram the influence of the very tremendous. Even though the print media is not as effective as audio-visual media, but when they appear in a format that packaged the teachings of Islam, humanity Islam is the media of this type of attack, who later torn afford hundreds of thousands of print circulation and become the largest circulation magazine in Indonesia.

This phenomenon indeed become irrefutable fact about the "madness" of Indonesia against heresy and mystical world that clearly syirik nuances and idolaters.

Kegetolan of Indonesia to the mystical world, shamanism, black magic, science, santet, until no measurable perklenikan indeed terrible. Mass media, especially television captured the interest is less sharp senses this and anticipate the right. Course that meets their tastes really dull this is immediately packed by the television in Indonesia through various "Black World Events."

Only see events on television "the other" a very attractive all layers in the middle age people, children begin to grandfather-grandmother. TPI, for example, the event: TV and mystery stories, and various sinetron fight to have the mystical and the World of Black. In fact, to train children to the fantasy perklenikan this sinetron TPI the children and Tuyul Mbak Yul. (Events that were previously owned stasion RCTI).

imagePuluhan mystical events in the television audience awaited with interest in full, for example: Believe Believe Nggak, mystery, and Oo Seram (ANTV) or revenge Pelet Nyi, Nyi Blorong (Indosiar). There is another mystery Nyata Acts, Comedy Mysteries (Lativi) Other World (Trans TV) Mega Mysteries, raisins (RCTI) and serenceng mystical events that can be found every day in all the TV channels. If the first such event is only showing on Friday night which is considered as sinister, but now this mystical event held each day and at any time, including daylight, even morning, with a film-production film heresy long.

Observation Magazine Tabligh randomly in the community under the group have also, perklenikan this event with the enthusiastic demand, even the waiting-awaited presence every day. Rating the event and the mystery of this mystical recorded very high drag and large-scale ad. Interest and the mystical heresy in the middle of the community who are "enamored" of the tersulut with great presence of events on TV this mystical. Seems like No Day Without Mistik, Hantu-Blau in the life of the nation of Indonesia. If someone carefully watching the events of the entire mystery of the TV channel will show the conclusion of this nation is the nation's heresy in the majority.

Phenomena such dominannya interest in the mystical middle of this community envisaged significantly more when a few months ago people dihebohkan issue capital Hantu Rumah Pondok Indah. Believed that the house is inhabited ghost-blau that every day diserbu "pilgrims" to the stalemate Road Pondok Indah until many weeks. They do not see anything, but they continue even came from outside Jakarta to hear because of the mass media.

Once again see how antusiasnya public to witness the strength of the Group performance in the Paranormal-mall mall several years ago while exhibit "Jenglot", a creepy doll. Despite visible (real) as a dead object, be told that "Jenglot" at this time given the particular form of blood meal. All the people watching berbondong "Jenglot" This distribution and the mass media events and abstruse tipudaya this cheap.

In this case, the mass media play a role very encouraging curiosity that people have interests that heresy.

Do not feel weird, the last year peminat music memfavoritkan Nature in Indonesia, a Dangdut singer famous for songs witch leader. This song exploded in the midst of marketing the community, and continues to occupy the respective tracks until many months, even still play in any more a year since first marketed. This indicator is also a phenomenon with klop that this nation is "enamored" alias mystical world of the hard-working.

Similarly, in the stormy events Harta Karun Batu Bogor who want to write the Minister of Religion Prof. demolished. Dr. Husein Said Agil Al Munawar, a few months back, are the same meaning, that is indeed the Indonesian Society heresy. Isn'T jelatanya people, while the minister of a religious doctorate, professors, alumni Ummul Qura University in Saudi Arabia and the Qur'an Hafidz was just so confident in the perklenikan.

Minister of Islamic mystical and believe heresy, it is not strange, while RI president in succession always have a mystical belief. Of Soeharto, to Megawati. A lack of trust may Habibie, but the most rabid obviously Gus Dur or president Abdurrahman Wahid.

Gus Dur mystical belief terekspose soundly when he ascended the throne to become president. All activities can not be president is not always monitored by the press. Happens when Gus Dur must menyambangi shaman-dukunnya in East or in Cilacap or Banten, all told in detail by the press, including the docket when he Ruwatan South Beach in Yogyakarta.

Again, press "render" popularize events heresy of heresy, and even the president. Proletariat is not to be timid and heresy again behave pedukunan.